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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just not feeling it

I guess I was more damaged than I thought when I came here from Multiply.

I miss blogging. A lot. But I am just not feeling it the way I used to.

I should blog for me and only me. But I can't find where you can make your blogs private or accessible to only a certain few so I have been keeping pretty quiet.

News I can share.

James found a new girlfriend. According to my daughter she is about my height, my weight, has my hair coloring, my color eyes, etc. Only big difference (other than the fact that she digs him and I don't) is that she smokes.

Kendall is not pleased. Says James isn't the same person anymore. And she feels that the GF is hiding something but she doesn't know what.

Finally got my Sony Spiff money so now I can go pay on my couch. My Panasonic Spiff money should be here in about a week so that will also go on my couch. Then I only owe about $300 more and it is MINE!

I am getting child support this week (after not getting it for 2 weeks) so that will help. And income tax is due in my account this coming Friday so I can then start my new car fund and pay off some older medical bills (for tax deductions this year).

After a rather rough start to this year it seems things are looking up a bit. I am optimistic and hopeful that they continue this trend.

With hard work on my part I think they will.


Billie said...

I noticed that if you add people by email addresses than you can keep it narrowed down to who you want to read it. I thought about going that route, but I just haven't been up to bugging everyone for their addresses.

KK - never ignore a gut instinct :-)

Susan Sams said...

I know there is a way to make it private and do it by invite only, but I know that no one can find me so i really don't care to bother right now. My real name isn't associated to it, and they would have to search like hell to find me. I do not have it set as "searchable" anyway, so it doesn't matter.

I dunno I think that you are just REALLY gun shy cuz he fucked you up SO badly, and it will take a little bit to get back into your comfort zone. Nothing wrong with that at all. Just relax and realize you are a wonderful woman, a fabulous friend and a marvelous mother. We love you, we need you around, and we really enjoy reading your blogs, no matter what you choose to share.

Hugs to you!

Kerry said...

Blogspot is a little less user friendly, i've noticed. Still trying to figure out the options.

I'm glad J has a new gf - is Kendall maybe just put off that it is someone new? Of course part of my interest is piqued too by "oooh, what could she be hiding?" LOL

Can't wait for you to get your couch!

Have you thought about just doing Multiply with a different name/personality?