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Monday, January 18, 2010

A new beginning

Well, lots has happened since the last time I posted a blog back in August of 2008.

After fighting a losing battle of trying to get the hubby to work WITH me, I gave up and decided it was time to move on. It was the best decision for both of us. He refused to be a husband in all meanings of the word (IE - no intimacy, etc.) and I refused to give him what he wanted (Money). So I did the bare minimum until I could get out.

And get out I did. KK and I are now in a 2 bedroom apt with rent that is manageable (instead of living in the money pit house that HE had to have) and bills are getting paid off. It is very nice to have money to spare and money to go do things with if we choose to. It is also nice to not have to sit there watching HIM watch TV every waking moment when he was not working.

I filed for divorce last week. It should be final in 30 days. Since we don't have any kids or property to fight over it is a quickie divorce.

It is sad that the marriage ended. I invested almost 7 years of my life into something that just wasn't meant to be. But I learned from it. I learned a lot. And hopefully he did also. He still talks to the kids at times and is still Grandpa to Myles and will be to the new additions to my family in the coming year.

I am still at the same job, 12 years now. I am loving life at this point. I don't have to answer to anyone other than myself, KK and I can go where we want, when we want, and do what we want. No negative people to drag me down.

I plan to be debt free in 2 1/2 yrs or less. I have 2 small credit cards to pay off and my student loan to pay off. I also have the medical bills from the kids and I. Then I am done.

I am starting a new car fund so I can upgrade my vehicle, a vacation fund so KK and I can travel to Idaho later this summer, and a general savings account.

I was at another social networking place that I loved and miss. I miss some of the people greatly and others I don't miss at all. It is very unfortunate that one person in particular ruined it for me. That place was my second home.

But, as with some things, they must come to an end and we move on. People (and things) come into our lives for a reason. When that reason is fulfilled, we let them go (or force them to go) and move on. For the better.

I think this will be for the better. I am excited to start this new chapter of my life. I can't wait to see where it takes me and the adventures I will experience. Not all will be good, as not all life is good, but I expect most of it will be quite interesting.


Susan Sams said...

And this is the beginning of a great future. We move on because it is time, and thankfully I have moved on with a good friend and a clean conscious. Thank you for letting me share in your life Shar.

panagirl69 said...

Thank you for letting me be a part of yours Susan. Can't wait to meet you later this year!